Growing native plants from seed

Have you ever tried growing plants native to your area from seeds? Most plants native to my Toronto zone 5 garden have a built-in dormancy period that doesn’t let them wake up and grow UNLESS they go through 6 weeks of cold. Nature has built this safeguard in so seeds only grow after winter. While […]

Decorative Succulent Terrariums

Terrariums are glass containers for growing plants. As more and more people discover how fun and easy it is to grow succulents, growing them in terrariums is gaining popularity. Succulents are plants that have water-filled, juicy leaves and grow in low-water conditions. sedums, sansevieria and aloe are some of the common ones. Succulent Terrariums are […]

Woodland Terrarium Basics

Woodland terrariums look like mini forests and are an absolute delight to make and keep. I have only been making them for a few years, but are already an essential part of my plant collection. I am always looking for large glass containers in thrift stores. Since this kind of terrarium needs to be closed […]

A few of my favorite Pings!

I got my first ping over 5 years ago, and since then, I have propagated and shared hundreds of plants. These adorable plants are probably the easiest houseplants you can ever own. All they need is water and lots of light. They catch their own food, as their sticky leaves attract bugs, so you never […]